5 Vaping Myths you should know
Vaping has become an increasingly popular alternative to smoking, with millions of people around the world choosing e-cigarettes in an attempt to reduce or quit traditional cigarette smoking. However, with its rise in popularity, a number of myths and misconceptions have emerged surrounding vaping. Here, I try to debunk the top five myths about vaping to help you separate fact from fiction.
1) Vaping is just as harmful as smoking
One of the most common myths about vaping is that it is just as harmful as smoking traditional cigarettes. While it’s true that vaping is not without risks, it is generally considered to be less harmful than smoking. Traditional cigarettes contain thousands of harmful chemicals, including tar and carbon monoxide, which are major contributors to lung cancer, heart disease, and other health issues. Vaping, on the other hand, involves inhaling vaporized liquid, which typically contains fewer harmful chemicals. However, it’s important to note that not all e-cigarette products are created equal, and there are concerns about certain additives and long-term health effects. You may see a particular number floating about that says vaping is 95 to 97% safer than smoking traditional cigarettes - this figure came about during one single study which has now been widely and completely debunked, and most health organisations around the world do not put a number on it, choosing to go with "vaping is generally considered safer than smoking cigarettes". It should also be noted that this is in relation to smokers switching to vaping, and I still stand firm that if you have never smoked a cigarette, you should not vape.
2) Vaping causes popcorn lung
Popcorn lung, or bronchiolitis obliterans, is a rare lung disease that has been linked to inhaling certain chemicals, such as diacetyl, which was once used in some e-liquids to create a buttery flavor. However, recent studies have shown that most e-liquids today contain little to no diacetyl. While there are some risks associated with vaping, the scare about popcorn lung has largely been exaggerated, and the majority of e-liquids on the market are made with safer, regulated ingredients. That being said, it’s still important to choose reputable products from trusted manufacturers to reduce the risk of exposure to harmful substances.
3) Vaping is a gateway to smoking
Another widespread myth is that vaping serves as a gateway to smoking traditional cigarettes, particularly among teenagers. While some studies have suggested a potential link between vaping and smoking initiation, the evidence remains inconclusive. In fact, many adult vapers have reported using e-cigarettes as a way to quit smoking, and research indicates that vaping can be an effective tool for smoking cessation. It’s essential to consider that the majority of vapers were already smokers before switching to e-cigarettes. Nevertheless, regulating vaping products, especially to prevent underage use, is crucial in ensuring that e-cigarettes do not serve as a gateway to smoking.
4) Vaping is safe for non-smokers
While vaping is generally considered safer than smoking, it is not risk-free, particularly for non-smokers. Vaping can expose users to potentially harmful chemicals, such as nicotine, which can have adverse effects on the body, especially for those who have never smoked before. Nicotine can raise blood pressure, increase the risk of heart disease, and be addictive. For non-smokers, the health risks associated with vaping are still a concern, and it is not advisable to start vaping simply because it is perceived as a “safer” alternative. Non-smokers should avoid using e-cigarettes to steer clear of potential health risks. There are studies that have found strong links between young teens and vaping. For example, this peer reviewed study found people under the age of 18 are 30% more likely to develop Asthma as a result of vaping, among other health concerns.
5) vaping doesn't expose others to harmful chemicals
Many people believe that vaping is harmless to those around them, especially compared to secondhand smoke from traditional cigarettes. While it’s true that vaping produces fewer toxins than cigarette smoke, the vapor still contains chemicals that could pose a risk to bystanders, particularly in enclosed spaces. Studies have shown that the aerosol emitted by e-cigarettes contains nicotine, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other potentially harmful substances, albeit at lower levels than traditional cigarette smoke. To minimize the risks to others, it’s important for vapers to be mindful of where and when they vape, particularly around children and vulnerable individuals.
Vaping is still a relatively new phenomenon, and with it comes a host of myths and misunderstandings. While it is not without risks, many of the myths surrounding vaping are exaggerated or outdated. By understanding the facts, you can make more informed decisions about vaping and its potential impact on your health. Always choose reputable products, be aware of potential risks, and, if you’re trying to quit smoking, consider consulting a healthcare professional for guidance on the safest options for your health.