I review every vape after actually using it myself - whilst I do take into consideration feedback from other users, my reviews are truly my own opinion after actually using the device in the real world.
As well as forming my own opinions, I also give each device a score out of 10 in 6 different categories - Flavour, Inhale, Design, Duration, Hit, and Ejoyability. This gives each vape a total score out of 60, which I call the 'VAPEMIXR SCORE'. In short, the higher the 'VAPEMIXR SCORE', the better I found the device.
I pride myself on my reviews being truly independent - I am not influenced by sales pitches or marketing, even if a brand has provided a vape for me to review. My reviews will always be 100% my own opinions and thoughts, and I will never say what a brand wants me to say unless I actually find it myself during use. And unlike most other reviews on the internet, I use the vape from its first moment out of the box until it dies after being used fully and completely as a genuine, real world customer and user - I don't use it for just 5 minutes before writing a review (I won't name names, but there's a few review sites that do this).