Meet the team
I wouldn't be here without my very supportive friends helping me along the way. This is my way of saying thank you! I am proud to call these people my 'team', because they have been with me right from the start and have helped me grow the VAPEMIXR channel and community immeasurably. I owe a lot to these people and I am truly thankful for all their help and support.
Me first!
Yeah ok... allow me to be selfish for a second! Ok that will do!
My long suffering wife
My wife is always there, cheering me on and giving me feedback and ideas on my videos. She has managed to find quite a few new vapes for me to review on my channel and always keeps her eye out for new ones. When I started writing everything on this website, she became my proof reader, making sure my writing makes sense - she's basically the editor of this site!
Lewis @ Digital Ink MCR
Lewis is a very talented graphic designer who has designed the vast majority of the art displayed on my channel, in my videos and on my socials! Some of his artwork is even on this very website! I'm always impressed by his designs which always come out a lot better than I expected. You can check out his portfolio here, and I'd highly reccomend him if you ever need any artwork.
I'm sure you have heard me mention in quite a few videos "my friend at the vape shop..."
Well, that's Mark. Mark runs his own specialist vape shop and I started out as his customer when he first opened more than 10 years ago. Today, he is one of my best friends and always helps me out with my research. His knowledge about everything vaping is off the charts and I've pushed him to the point of sheer annoyance by asking questions about different things. Mark is my main source of vaping devices, I can comfortably say that at least 60% of the devices I feature, he has managed to source for me. I am aware I could get things cheaper online, but I don't mind paying slightly more to support a friend and a local business. Plus there's the benefit that if I can't find a device myself, Mark has insider connections to try and get hold of it for me. Might not always be quick, but when I'm looking for a particular device he is always the first person I ask.
Every wonder why in some videos a gingerbread person might appear for a few seconds? That's a secret nod (well... not so secret any more...) to my closest group of friends. The videos where gingerbreads appear are usually heavily influenced by one or more of these friends, wether it's one of them finding the vape for me or something else.